“Mood Board: Legends, Lies and Lullabies” artist Sean Barton

Pulled from an ongoing series consisting of 365 paintings,“Mood Board: Legends, Lies and Lullabies” artist Sean Barton attempts to translate events, misfortunes and thoughts into a colorful synopsis of each day. These 14 sky scape paintings which are obstructed by lines, reflect the artist’s inability to move outside of one’s self imposed restrictions. Painted with enamel on canvas they were produced daily, over a two week period.

ART ON VIEW: June 10-July 1, 2023 

Works on view in conjunction with the artists book release titled “Indecent Exposure” which took place during the SJ Art, Zine Book Fair.

If you are interested in purchasing artwork, please contact us at info@empiresevenstudios.com.