“Pacolli’s Pop Up Shop”

Empire Seven Studios is thrilled for an installation of unique, wearable art fashion. As far as we can remember we have not experienced a showcase like this in our hometown. Pacolli prints all of the apparel on her own with a small squeegee  freestyling and layering designs of characters she illustrates creating a story with each piece exploring possibilities without fear. “Wrap your troubles in dreams’”, “I wish I could talk in technicolor”, “stay true”, ”real life is magic (and tragic)”, “nothing special” (a nod to Andy Warhol) are just a few of the punchlines printed on the one of a kind clothing. Sleeves are equally covered in illustrations, the inside of hoodies are printed as well as the outside. All of the products are extremely limited, color combinations and the way each garment is printed is unique and tells a different story. For more information, visit our blog HERE.

If you are interested in purchasing artwork, please contact us at info@empiresevenstudios.com